IGDB Peer Review

Data Currently Under Peer Review - v104

This is a preliminary data release. It is being released to reviewers only at this time. You have the right to review and question the data. The review period is limited to 21 days. Please do not quote, copy or distribute this data until you receive notification that the data has been approved.

Files for peer review

The number of modification might include editorial only modifications which does not show up in the peer review files. Peer review is only for products with new measured values.

New style tables and graphs.

DataFile ExtensionStart peer reviewEnd peer review
All zipfiles in one.*3/10/20253/31/2025

AGC Flat Glass (Thailand)

4 new


Asahi India Glass Limited

1 new



3 new



18 new


Glas Trösch AG

1 new



8 new, 1 modification



4 new



3 new



3 new


Instructions for Viewing the Data

The steps that you should take are the following:

  • Save the zipped peer review file (peer review.zip) to a local folder on your computer.
  • Unzip the peer review file (peer review.mdb, graphs, and properties table) to the same folder or another folder of your choice. The graphs and properties table are for your quick review of the data.
  • Start Optics6.
  • In Optics select Tools|Options from the menu. This brings up a new window.
  • In the new window, under the tab ‘Database locations/Default folders’ double click on the name of the UserGlazing database (or click on the button next to it) to change the location of the User Database that Optics uses.
  • Select the peer review database to be your new user database. This is only temporary and your user database will not be changed or overwritten.
  • Click Ok (or Apply and Ok) to apply the changes
  • In the toolbar select the User Database. This will bring up all the files that are up for peer review.

You are now able to view the spectral data in the peer review database. After you have finished reviewing the data, you should apply the same steps above in Optics6 to return the settings to using your normal User Database.