Publications: Windows

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Gustavsen, Arlid, Goce Talev, Dariush K Arasteh, Howdy Goudey, Christian Kohler, Sivert Uvsløkk, and Bjørn Petter Jelle."Experimental and Numerical Examination of the Thermal Transmittance of High Performance Window Frames."Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Whole Buildings XI International Conference, December 5-9, 2010 (2010).
Selkowitz, Stephen E."Singapore's Zero-Energy Building's Daylight Monitoring System."International Conference on Applied Energy 2010: Energy Solutions for a Sustainable World (2010).


Mardaljevic, John, Lisa Heschong, and Eleanor S Lee."Daylight metrics and energy savings."Lighting Research + Technology 41.3 (2009) 261-283. DOI
Konstantoglou, Maria, Jacob C Jonsson, and Eleanor S Lee."Simulating Complex Window Systems Using BSDF Data."26th Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA), June-22-24 (2009).
Donn, Michael, Stephen E Selkowitz, and Bill Bordass."Simulation in the Service of Design - Asking the Right Questions."11th International Building Performance Simulation Association Conference - Building Simulation '09 (2009).


Anders, André."Deposition Rates of High Power Impulse Magneton Sputtering."51st Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Vacuum Coaters (2008).