Publications: Windows

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Rubin, Michael D, and Stephen E Selkowitz."Thermal Performance of Windows Having High Solar Transmittance."6th International Passive and Solar Conference (1981) 141-145.


Bryan, Harvey J, and Robert D Clear."Calculating Interior Daylight Illumination with a Programmable Hand Calculator."Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society 07/1981 (1980) 219-227.


Bryan, Harvey J."A Simplified Procedure for Calculating the Effects of Daylight from Clear Skies."Illuminating Engineering Society Annual Technical Conference (1979).
Selkowitz, Stephen E."Daylighting and Passive Solar Buildings."3rd National Passive Solar Conference (1979) 271-281.
Goldstein, David B."Modeling Passive Solar Buildings with Hand Calculations."3rd National Passive Solar Conference (1979) 164-169.


Selkowitz, Stephen E."Effective Daylighting in Buildings."Lighting Design + Application (1978) 6-8, 43-47.