Publications: Windows
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Lampert, Carl M."Heat Mirror Coatings for Energy Conserving Windows."Solar Energy Materials
6 (1981).
Klems, Joseph H."Methods of Estimating Air Infiltration through Windows."Energy and Buildings
5 (1981) 243-252.
Selkowitz, Stephen E."Thermal Performance of Insulating Window Systems."ASHRAE Transactions
85.2 (1981).
Rubin, Michael D, and Stephen E Selkowitz."Thermal Performance of Windows Having High Solar Transmittance."6th International Passive and Solar Conference
(1981) 141-145.
Bryan, Harvey J, and Robert D Clear."A Procedure for Calculating Interior Daylight Ilumination."5th National Passive Solar Conference
Bryan, Harvey J, and Robert D Clear."Calculating Interior Daylight Illumination with a Programmable Hand Calculator."Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society
07/1981 (1980) 219-227.
Rubin, Michael D, Richard Creswick, and Stephen E Selkowitz."Transparent Heat Mirrors for Windows: Thermal Performance."5th National Passive Solar Conference
(1980) 990-994.
Bryan, Harvey J."A Simplified Procedure for Calculating the Effects of Daylight from Clear Skies."Illuminating Engineering Society Annual Technical Conference
Goldstein, David B, and Metin Lokmanhekim."A Simple Method for Computing the Dynamic Response of Passive Solar Buildings to Design Weather Conditions."Alternative Energy Sources II
Selkowitz, Stephen E, Michael D Rubin, and Richard Creswick."Average Transmittance Factors for Multiple Glazed Window Systems."4th National Passive Solar Conference
(1979) 383-386.
Lampert, Carl M."Coatings for Enhanced Photothermal Energy Collection II: Non-Selective and Energy Control Films."Solar Energy Materials
2 (1979).
Selkowitz, Stephen E."Daylighting and Passive Solar Buildings."3rd National Passive Solar Conference
(1979) 271-281.
Goldstein, David B, Metin Lokmanhekim, and Robert D Clear."Design Calculations for Passive Solar Buildings by a Programmable Hand Calculator."
Weidt, John L, Jenny Weidt, and Stephen E Selkowitz."Field Air Leakage of Newly Installed Residential Windows."ASHRAE Transactions
85.1 (1979) 149-159.
Goldstein, David B."Modeling Passive Solar Buildings with Hand Calculations."3rd National Passive Solar Conference
(1979) 164-169.
Selkowitz, Stephen E, and Vladimir Bazjanac."Thermal Performance of Managed Window Systems."ASHRAE Transactions
85 (1979).
Selkowitz, Stephen E."Transparent Heat Mirrors for Passive Solar Heating Applications."Passive Systems 78
(1979) 124-132.
Selkowitz, Stephen E."Effective Daylighting in Buildings."Lighting Design + Application
(1978) 6-8, 43-47.