General DLLs

General DLLs

Software/Versions Affected:

  • THERM›6
  • THERM›7
  • WINDOW›6
  • WINDOW›7

The same basic technique is used to register DLL or OCX files that are not specific to LBNL software. The location of these files is usually MS Operating System and computer system dependent, as follows:

For MS Windows 7, 32 bit computers:


For MS Windows Windows 7, 64 bit computers:


For example, Optics uses an OCX to display the data grid. If it exists but has not been registered, there will be problems with the grid display in the program. To register the file, you would use the method described above to open the Command Prompt, and then you would type, for example for a Windows 7 64 bit computer:

regsvr32 c:\windows\syswow64\msflxgrd.ocx

You should get a message as shown below to indicate that the registration succeeded.

Related Articles: 

Registering DLL and OCX Files