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COMFEN is a tool designed to support the systematic evaluation of alternative fenestration systems for project-specific commercial building applications. COMFEN provides a simplified user interface that focuses attention on key variables in fenestration design. Under the hood is Energy Plus, a sophisticated analysis engine that dynamically simulates the effects of these key fenestration variables on energy consumption, peak energy demand, and thermal and visual comfort. The results from the Energy Plus simulations are presented in graphical and tabular format within the simplified user interface for comparative fenestration design cases to help users move toward optimal fenestration design choices for their project.

For more information contact [email protected]

Link to the COMFEN License

Intended Audience

  • Architectural and engineering designers wanting to explore the many options in fenestration design.
  • Fenestration product vendors wanting to compare the benefits of specific fenestration product choices.

Features of COMFEN

  • Flexible Fenestration Facade Design

    Easily define fenestration facade details for one or more zone modules representative of your specific project. Facade variations can include window number, size and placement, glazing and frame system, and exterior shading by overhangs and fins.

  • Comparative Facade Analysis

    Select facade variations for comparative analysis.  Each of the selected facades can optionally include daylighting controls, and can be oriented to face different directions.

  • Graphical Display of Analysis Results

    Comparative charts are displayed for annual end-use energy consumption (heating, cooling, fan, and lighting), peak energy, and CO2 emissions. Annual average daylighting illuminance, discomfort glare index, and thermal comfort PPD are also reported.

    More detailed graphs are also displayed for monthly heating, cooling, fan, and lighting energy consumption, peak energy, and thermal comfort; and hourly daylight illuminance and glare index.


While COMFEN has been developed to be a useful design tool, there are limitations in its current implementation that may limit its usefulness for specific design projects. The intent is to enhance future versions of COMFEN based on industry user feedback.

  • Internal load and schedule defaults for small office buildings are currently implemented. These defaults are not user customizable.
  • A single HVAC system type, packaged single zone, is currently available.

System Requirements

COMFEN has been tested on Microsoft Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7. Older version of Microsoft Windows might work, but are not supported. (The program WILL NOT run with Windows 3.1TM, Windows NT 3.51TM or Windows 95TM).

COMFEN has been tested and run successfully on Apple computers with Intel processors by using Parallels Desktop for Mac and VMWare Fusion. This software allows you to install Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 on your Mac, and you can install our software in that version of Windows. See or for more information.


Versions Available for Download

Version 5.0.33, Released: January 20, 2021

Version 5.0.33

Released: January 20, 2021

Release Notes:

COMFEN Installation File Download Links:

Install Adobe AIR

Adobe AIR is now supported by Harman. You will need to download and run the Harman Adobe AIR runtime installer in order to install this version of COMFEN, as well as to run COMFEN. 

Here is a link to the Harman Adobe AIR runtime installation page. You will need to download and install "Adobe AIR for Windows".

Install COMFEN

Download and run this installation file:

COMFEN 5.0.33 Standard Version (Full Install)

When you start the installation, it will take several seconds for the first installation dialog box to appear, so be patient. Once it appears, follow the install instructions and use all the default suggestions for the installation.


WINDOW and THERM versions

This version uses WINDOW 7.8.14 and THERM 7.8.08, which can be downloaded here



COMFEN 5.0.33 Release Notes


New Features


No new features are included in this version


Bug Fixes


Glare Clear Sky and Overcast Sky Renderings:

The Radiance renderings are now working under the Glare tab

Known Bugs


Glare and Daylight Renderings Falsecolor Legend

There still seems to be an issue with generating the Falsecolor legend for both the Glare and Daylight Radiance renderings. However, the actual renderings are generated (see Bug Fixes above) 


COMFEN 5.0.28 Release Notes


New Features


Radiance Renderings for Electrochromic Glazing Systems

COMFEN can now generate a Radiance rendering of the Light and Dark state of a glazing system with an electrochromic glass layer. You can select which state you want the rendering to be generated for.

Program Changes


Frame Library: Added Emissivity

There is now an input for Frame emissivity, which defaults to 0.9.

Radiance Renderings Now Saved

In previous versions of the program, the Radiance renderings were not saved between program sessions, or even between opening projects in the same session. COMFEN now saves the Radiance images so that you don't have to regenerate them if you close the program or open a new project.

The results are saved in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\LBNL\COMFEN5\results\radiance\images_temp

List of Projects

The list of projects that appears in various situations (such as Project / Open Project), now shows the Location and the Building Type.

Fixed Bugs

If you find bugs, or if you think these have not been fixed, please do not hesitate to send an email to [email protected] to report your findings. Getting feedback from users is how we improve the program.

Importing Project Using CSV files

In the previous version of COMFEN, when using a CSV file to import a set of project scenarios, the program would set the first scenario ID to 0, which would cause COMFEN to give an error message at the end of the simulation for that first record. This has been fixed in this version.

Frame Library: Default Frame Absorptance = 0.5

In previous versions, COMFEN defaulted the Frame Absorptance to 0.9, which is quite high. Now the program default is 0.5, and when the program opens old databases, this value will be migrated to 0.5. You can always change the value in the Frame Library if you determine that your frame should be defined with a different value. The program will put up a message when older databases are migrated, saying that the Absorptance will be changed.

Glazing System Library List: Too Many Decimal Points (!)

There were way too many decimal points displaying in the Glazing Library List view. This has been fixed.


Version 5.0.28, Released: September 29, 2018

Version 5.0.28

Released: September 29, 2018

Release Notes:

COMFEN Installation File Download Links:

Adobe AIR Installation:

  • Download and install Adobe Air from the Adobe website (it is free) if you have not installed COMFEN before on your computer.

New Features


Radiance Renderings for Electrochromic Glazing Systems

COMFEN can now generate a Radiance rendering of the Light and Dark state of a glazing system with an electrochromic glass layer. You can select which state you want the rendering to be generated for.

Program Changes


Frame Library: Added Emissivity

There is now an input for Frame emissivity, which defaults to 0.9.

Radiance Renderings Now Saved

In previous versions of the program, the Radiance renderings were not saved between program sessions, or even between opening projects in the same session. COMFEN now saves the Radiance images so that you don't have to regenerate them if you close the program or open a new project.

The results are saved in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\LBNL\COMFEN5\results\radiance\images_temp

List of Projects

The list of projects that appears in various situations (such as Project / Open Project), now shows the Location and the Building Type.

Fixed Bugs

If you find bugs, or if you think these have not been fixed, please do not hesitate to send an email to [email protected] to report your findings. Getting feedback from users is how we improve the program.

Importing Project Using CSV files

In the previous version of COMFEN, when using a CSV file to import a set of project scenarios, the program would set the first scenario ID to 0, which would cause COMFEN to give an error message at the end of the simulation for that first record. This has been fixed in this version.

Frame Library: Default Frame Absorptance = 0.5

In previous versions, COMFEN defaulted the Frame Absorptance to 0.9, which is quite high. Now the program default is 0.5, and when the program opens old databases, this value will be migrated to 0.5. You can always change the value in the Frame Library if you determine that your frame should be defined with a different value. The program will put up a message when older databases are migrated, saying that the Absorptance will be changed.

Glazing System Library List: Too Many Decimal Points (!)

There were way too many decimal points displaying in the Glazing Library List view. This has been fixed.

Version 4.1, Released: October 04, 2012

Version 4.1

Released: October 04, 2012

 COMFEN 4.1 (Full Installation)

Release Notes:

Download and install Adobe Air from the Adobe website (it is free) if you have not installed COMFEN before on your computer.

New Features

Natural Ventilation Model

COMFEN now has the ability to model natural ventilation as a replacement for a mechanical cooling system.

Cost Data

COMFEN now has a simple Cost module, with default costs that can be over-ridden with user data.

Radiance Rendering Additions

There are additional Radiance Renderings available, including Illuminance Maps.

Program Changes

Updating Database from COMFEN 4.0 to 4.1

COMFEN will automatically update your 4.0 database to be compatible with the 4.1 database structure the first time you open a 4.0 database in version 4.1. This includes adding all the cost fields to the new database, as well as default cost data. If you have any problems with updating a COMFEN 4.0 database to 4.1, please email [email protected].

Glass Library:

  • The program will automatically update the glass tables with any IGDB 23 version records that have been added or updated. (See the IGDB release notes for a detailed list of all the glass records that are added or changed). If you used any glass layers that were updated in IGDB 23, you may want to recalculate the results, based on what the release notes indicate the changes were. Any records in IGDB 23 that were deleted will REMAIN in the COMFEN Glass Library.
  • NOTE: Glass cost data is based on 6 mm glass: The default glass cost data provided in this version does not distinguish between glass thicknesses, and is based on 6 mm clear glass.

Frame Library:

  • The program will automatically update the default Frame Library records with the default cost data from COMFEN 4.1 for frames. However, it will not know how to update the costs for any new records that you have made. The program will indicate this issue the first time you open a 4.0 database with version 4.1, and you should go through the Frame Library and make any needed changes to your custom Frame Library records.

Location Library:

  • The default database for COMFEN 4.0 contained some locations that used the California CTZ weather files, which we have removed from the default Location Library in COMFEN 4.1 (due to issues with getting design day information for these weather files). If you open a 4.0 database with 4.1, those CTZ locations (and their associated weather files) will still be in your database.

Energy Plus Version 7.0

COMFEN has been updated to be using version 7.0 of Energy Plus. This version of Energy Plus runs the simulation significantly faster than previous versions, so it should take less time to calculate scenarios in COMFEN 4.1

Glass Library Updated to IGDB 25.4

The Glass Library in this version of COMFEN has been updated to the IGDB version 25.4

WINDOW 6 Program Completely Installed

All the necessary files to run the WINDOW 6 program are installed in the COMFEN subdirectory called W6, so it is no longer necessary to have WINDOW 6 also installed on your computer in order to calculate the glazing system properties or generate the BSDF file needed to run Radiance. The W6.mdb file used by COMFEN to calculate the glazing system properties is also updated to IGDB 25.4 so that all glass layers in COMFEN can be calculated.

Glare Control Checkbox Moved to Shading Systems Controls

In COMFEN 4.0, the Scenario Edit screen contained a "Glare Control" checkbox. This was not really the correct place for it. It has been moved to the Shading System Library, in the Shading Control pulldown, and is called "On If High Glare", i.e., the program will deploy the Shading System if "high glare" is detected, ie, Glare Index > 22.

CSV Text Input File Changes

There are a few changes to the CSV Text input file from COMFEN 4.0. See the Knowledge Base article for more details.

  • Scenario Definition: 14th field added to define Natural Ventilation (TRUE or FALSE)
  • Glazed Wall Assembly Definition: 8th field added to define Operating Type for the GWA.

Fixed Bugs

(from COMFEN 4.1.23 Beta, August 5, 2012)

If you find bugs, or if you think these have not been fixed, please do not hesitate to send an email to [email protected] to report your findings. Getting feedback from users is how we improve the program.

Comparison > Daylight > Plan Contour & 3D Contour

The units in the color legend showing the values of each contour line now correctly show the correct values for both and IP — Lux (SI) and footcandles (IP).

Project North No Longer Restricted to 30 Degrees

Project North (found in File / Project Properties) is used to offset the cardinal orientation of a facade by the degree value entered. In previous versions, the rotation is restricted to + 30 degrees — this has been fixed, so that now the Project North values can be values from 180 degrees to -180 degrees (inclusive).

Shading System Control — On if high glare

Shading Control type = On If High Glare no longer produces an EnergyPlus error message.