Publications: W and D: Low Energy Facades and Daylighting
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Jonsson, Jacob C, and Henrik Branden."Obtaining the Bidirectional Transfer Distribution Function of Isotropically Scattering Materials Using an Integrating Sphere."Optics Communications
277 (2007) 228-236.
Clear, Robert D, Vorapat Inkarojrit, and Eleanor S Lee."Subject Response to Electrochromic Windows."Energy and Buildings
38.7 (2006) 758-779. DOI
Kiliccote, Sila, Mary Ann Piette, David S Watson, and Glenn D Hughes."Dynamic Controls for Energy Efficiency and Demand Response: Framework Concepts and a New Construction Case Study in New York."2006 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Maamari, Fawaz, Marilyn Andersen, Jan de Boer, William L Carroll, Dominique Dumortier, and Phillip Greenup."Experimental Validation of Daylighting Simulation Methods for Complex Fenestration Systems."
Clear, Robert D."Summary results of visual comfort measurements at the electrochromic windows testbed."
Lee, Eleanor S, and Stephen E Selkowitz."The New York Times Headquarters Daylighting Mockup: Monitored Performance of the Daylighting Control System."Energy & Buildings
38 (2006) 914-929.
Carroll, William L, and Robert J Hitchcock."DElight2 Daylighting Analysis in Energy Plus: Integration and Preliminary User Results."Building Simulation 2005
Lee, Eleanor S, Stephen E Selkowitz, Glenn D Hughes, Robert D Clear, Gregory J Ward, John Mardaljevic, Judy Lai, Mehlika Inanici, and Vorapat Inkarojrit."Daylighting the New York Times Headquarters Building: Final Report."
Andersen, Marilyn, Michael D Rubin, Rebecca Powles, and Jean-Louis Scartezzini."Bi-Directional Transmission Properties of Venetian Blinds: Experimental Assessment Compared to Ray-Tracing Calculations."Solar Energy
78 (2005) 187-198.
Kohler, Christian, Howdy Goudey, and Dariush K Arasteh."A First-Generation Prototype Dynamic Residential Window."
(2004) 11.
Lee, Eleanor S, Stephen E Selkowitz, Glenn D Hughes, and David A Thurm."Market Transformation Opportunities for Emerging Dynamic Facade and Dimmable Lighting Control Systems."2004 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Selkowitz, Stephen E, and Eleanor S Lee."Integrating Automated Shading and Smart Glazings with Daylight Controls."International Symposium on Daylighting Buildings
(2004) B13-B20.
Inanici, Mehlika, and Jim Galvin."Evaluation of High Dynamic Range Photography as a Luminance Mapping Technique."
Lee, Eleanor S, Dennis L DiBartolomeo, Francis M Rubinstein, and Stephen E Selkowitz."Low-Cost Networking for Dynamic Window Systems."Energy and Buildings
36 (2004) 503-513.
Lee, Eleanor S, Mehry Yazdanian, and Stephen E Selkowitz."The Energy-Savings Potential of Electrochromic Windows in the US Commercial Buildings Sector."
Selkowitz, Stephen E, Øyvind Aschehoug, and Eleanor S Lee."Advanced Interactive Façades — Critical Elements for Future Green Buildings?."GreenBuild, the annual USGBC International Conference and Expo
Selkowitz, Stephen E, Eleanor S Lee, and Øyvind Aschehoug."Perspectives on Advanced Façades with Dynamic Glazings and Integrated Lighting Controls."CISBAT 2003, Innovation in Building Envelopes and Environmental Systems, International Conferences on Solar Energy in Buildings
Andersen, Marilyn, Michael D Rubin, and Jean-Louis Scartezzini."Comparison Between Ray-Tracing Simulations and Bi-Directional Transmission Measurements on Prismatic Glazing."Solar Energy
74.2 (2003) 157-173. DOI
Anders, André."Materials, processes, and issues in low-emissivity and solar control coatings."
Lee, Eleanor S, L Zhou, Mehry Yazdanian, Vorapat Inkarojrit, Jonathan L Slack, Michael D Rubin, and Stephen E Selkowitz."Energy Performance Analysis of Electrochromic Windows in New York Commercial Office Buildings."
Lee, Eleanor S, Stephen E Selkowitz, Mark S Levi, Steven L Blanc, Erin McConahey, Maurya McClintock, Pekka Hakkarainen, Neil L Sbar, and Michael P Myser."Active Load Management with Advanced Window Wall Systems: Research and Industry Perspectives."ACEEE 2002 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings: Teaming for Efficency
Klems, Joseph H."Solar Heat Gain through a Skylight in a Light Well."ASHRAE Chicago
108, Part 1 (2001) 512-524.
Ehrlich, Charles K, Konstantinos M Papamichael, Judy Lai, and Kenneth L Revzan."Simulating the Operation of Photosensor-Based Lighting Controls."2001 Building Simulation 7th International Building Performance Simulation Association Conference
Ehrlich, Charles K, Konstantinos M Papamichael, Judy Lai, and Kenneth L Revzan."A Method for Simulating the Performance of Photosensor-Based Lighting Controls."Energy and Buildings
34 (2001) 883-889.
Ruck, Nancy, Øyvind Aschehoug, Sirri Aydinli, Jens Christoffersen, Gilles Courret, Ian Edmonds, Roman Jakobiak, Martin Kischkoweit-Lopin, Martin Klinger, Eleanor S Lee, Laurent Michel, Jean-Louis Scartezzini, and Stephen E Selkowitz."Daylight in Buildings. A Source Book on Daylighting Systems and Components."