Publications: W and D: Low Energy Facades and Daylighting
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Gehbauer, Christoph, David Blum, Taoning Wang, and Eleanor S Lee."An assessment of the load modifying potential of model predictive controlled dynamic facades within the California context."Energy and Buildings
210 (2020) 109762. DOI
Lee, Eleanor S, Luis L Fernandes, Taoning Wang, Stephen E Selkowitz, Steven Mesh, Yetsuh Frank, and Richard Yancey."Demonstration of Energy Efficient Retrofits for Lighting and Daylighting in New York City Office Buildings."
Konis, Kyle S, and Eleanor S Lee."Measured daylighting potential of a static optical louver system under real sun and sky conditions."Building and Environment
92 (2015) 347-359. DOI
Fernandes, Luis L, Eleanor S Lee, Dennis L DiBartolomeo, and Andrew McNeil."Monitored lighting energy savings from dimmable lighting controls in The New York Times Headquarters Building."Energy and Buildings
68.A (2014) 498-514. DOI
McNeil, Andrew, Jacob C Jonsson, David Appelfeld, Gregory J Ward, and Eleanor S Lee."A validation of a ray-tracing tool used to generate bi-directional scattering distribution functions for complex fenestration systems."Solar Energy
98.C (2013) 404-414. DOI
Shehabi, Arman, Nicholas DeForest, Andrew McNeil, Eric R Masanet, Jeffery B Greenblatt, Eleanor S Lee, Georgeta Masson, Brett A Helms, and Delia J Milliron."U.S. energy savings potential from dynamic daylighting control glazings."Energy and Buildings
66 (2013) 415-423. DOI
Thanachareonkit, Anothai, Eleanor S Lee, and Andrew McNeil."Empirical Assessment of a Prismatic Daylight-Redirecting Window Film in a Full-Scale Office Testbed."LEUKOS: The Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America
10.1 (2013) 19-45. DOI
Lee, Eleanor S, Xiufeng Pang, Sabine Hoffmann, Howdy Goudey, and Anothai Thanachareonkit."An empirical study of a full-scale polymer thermochromic window and its implications on material science development objectives."Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
116 (2013) 14-26. DOI
Coffey, Brian E, Andrew McNeil, Thierry Stephane Nouidui, and Eleanor S Lee."Automated Production of Optimization-Based Control Logics for Dynamic Façade Systems, with Experimental Application to Two-Zone External Venetian Blinds."
McNeil, Andrew, and Eleanor S Lee."Simulated daylight performance of a new prototype prismatic window film in deep open plan offices."
Lee, Eleanor S, Luis L Fernandes, Howdy Goudey, Jacob C Jonsson, Dragan C Curcija, Xiufeng Pang, Dennis L DiBartolomeo, and Sabine Hoffmann."A Pilot Demonstration of Electrochromic and Thermochromic Windows in the Denver Federal Center, Building 41, Denver, Colorado."
Fernandes, Luis L, Eleanor S Lee, and Gregory J Ward."Lighting energy savings potential of split-pane electrochromic windows controlled for daylighting with visual comfort."Energy and Buildings
61 (2013) 8-20. DOI
Garcia, Guillermo, Raffaella Buonsanti, Anna Llordes, Evan L Runnerstrom, Amy Bergerud, and Delia J Milliron."Near-Infrared Spectrally Selective Plasmonic Electrochromic Thin Films."Advanced Optical Materials
1.3 (2013) 215 - 220. DOI
DeForest, Nicholas, Arman Shehabi, Guillermo Garcia, Jeffery B Greenblatt, Eric R Masanet, Eleanor S Lee, Stephen E Selkowitz, and Delia J Milliron."Regional performance targets for transparent near-infrared switching electrochromic window glazings."Building and Environment
61 (2013) 160 - 168. DOI
Lee, Eleanor S, Luis L Fernandes, Brian E Coffey, Andrew McNeil, Robert D Clear, Thomas L Webster, Fred S Bauman, Darryl J Dickerhoff, David Heinzerling, and Tyler Hoyt."A Post-Occupancy Monitored Evaluation of the Dimmable Lighting, Automated Shading, and Underfloor Air Distribution System in The New York Times Building."
Zuo, Wangda, Andrew McNeil, Michael Wetter, and Eleanor S Lee."Acceleration of the matrix multiplication of Radiance three phase daylighting simulations with parallel computing on heterogeneous hardware of personal computer."Journal of Building Performance Simulation
(2013). DOI
McNeil, Andrew, and Eleanor S Lee."Annual daylighting performance of a passive optical light shelf in sidelit perimeter zones of commercial buildings."
Ward, Gregory J, Murat Kurt, and Nicolas Bonneel."A Practical Framework for Sharing and Rendering Real-World Bidirectional Scattering Distribution Functions."
Coffey, Brian E."Integrated control of operable fenestration systems and thermally massive HVAC systems: Methods and simulation studies of energy savings potential."
McNeil, Andrew, and Eleanor S Lee."On the benefits of a variable-resolution bidirectional scattering distribution data format."
(2012) 5.
Dutton, Spencer M, Hui Zhang, Yongchao Zhai, Edward A Arens, Youness Bennani Smires, Samuel L Brunswick, Kyle S Konis, and Philip Haves."Application of a stochastic window use model in EnergyPlus."SimBuild 2012, 5th National Conference of IBPSA-USA, August 1-3, 2012
Nouidui, Thierry Stephane, Michael Wetter, and Wangda Zuo."Validation of the Window Model of the Modelica Buildings Library."
McNeil, Andrew, and Eleanor S Lee."A validation of the Radiance three-phase simulation method for modeling annual daylight performance of optically-complex fenestration systems."Journal of Building Performance Simulation
April 2012 (2012). DOI
Clear, Robert D."Discomfort Glare: What Do We Actually Know?."Lighting Research and Technology
April 2012 (2012). DOI