Report Does Not Print

Report Does Not Print

Software/Versions Affected:

  • THERM›6
  • THERM›7

THERM needs the file RICHTX32.OCX in order for the Report feature to work. This file is used by many programs so it may already be installed on your computer, and THERM will display the Report properly. However, if the Report button doesn't display anything, you need to the following:

Download the RICHTX32.ocx file, and save or copy it into your system directory. The standard system directories for the various versions of MS Windows are listed below:

For MS Windows 7, 32 bit computers:

copy file into c:\windows\system32

For MS Windows Windows 7, 64 bit computers:

copy file into c:\windows\syswow64

You also need to "register" the file. Click here for complete instructions about how to register the OCX file.

Related Files: 
