User Defined Windows
User Defined Windows
Last Updated:
Friday, September 15, 2017
Software/Versions Affected:
There are two ways to create your own windows in RESFEN.
Input U-factor/SHGC
Set the Window Type pulldown to “User defined”, and et the U-factor and SHGC values.
Options/Preferences: uncheck the “Use WINDOW DOE-2 file” under the DOE2 section.
Use a WINDOW Database and DOE2 File
This method allows the program to use angular data for the window and will be more accurate, and will generate results closer to the Energy Star results, because this is the method we used to generate those results. This method is explained in more detail in the RESFEN 5 User Manual, page 6-23.
- Make the desired windows in WINDOW.
- Import them into the RESFEN Window Library — DO NOT Use ID 1-12, as these are reserved by the DOE2 program for internal windows and the program will not use the windows you defined with those IDs.
- From WINDOW, in the Window Library, generate a “DOE2” report for those same windows you imported into RESFEN.
- In Options/Preferences: check the “Use WINDOW DOE2 file” and reference the report you made from WINDOW.