Publications: Solar Control:Measuring Optically Complex Fenestration Systems
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Wang, Taoning, Gregory J Ward, and Eleanor S Lee."Efficient modeling of optically-complex, non-coplanar exterior shading: Validation of matrix algebraic methods."Energy and Buildings
174 (2018) 464 - 483. DOI
McNeil, Andrew, Jacob C Jonsson, David Appelfeld, Gregory J Ward, and Eleanor S Lee."A validation of a ray-tracing tool used to generate bi-directional scattering distribution functions for complex fenestration systems."Solar Energy
98.C (2013) 404-414. DOI
Ward, Gregory J, Murat Kurt, and Nicolas Bonneel."A Practical Framework for Sharing and Rendering Real-World Bidirectional Scattering Distribution Functions."
Nilsson, Annica M, and Jacob C Jonsson."Light-scattering properties of a Venetian blind slat used for daylighting applications."Solar Energy
84.12 (2010) 2103 - 2111. DOI
Jonsson, Jacob C, Michael D Rubin, Annica M Nilsson, Andreas Jonsson, and Arne Roos."Optical characterization of fritted glass for architectural applications."Optical Materials
31.6 (2009) 949 - 958. DOI
Jonsson, Jacob C, Eleanor S Lee, and Michael D Rubin."Light-scattering properties of a woven shade-screen material used for daylighting and solar heat-gain control."SPIE Optics+Photonics
Jonsson, Jacob C, and Michael D Rubin."NFRC Interlaboratory Comparison on Optical Properties."NFRC Conference
Jonsson, Jacob C, and Henrik Branden."Obtaining the Bidirectional Transfer Distribution Function of Isotropically Scattering Materials Using an Integrating Sphere."Optics Communications
277 (2007) 228-236.
Andersen, Marilyn, Michael D Rubin, Rebecca Powles, and Jean-Louis Scartezzini."Bi-Directional Transmission Properties of Venetian Blinds: Experimental Assessment Compared to Ray-Tracing Calculations."Solar Energy
78 (2005) 187-198.
Andersen, Marilyn, Michael D Rubin, and Jean-Louis Scartezzini."Comparison Between Ray-Tracing Simulations and Bi-Directional Transmission Measurements on Prismatic Glazing."Solar Energy
74.2 (2003) 157-173. DOI