X Author: Yujie Wu
Apian-Bennewitz, Peter, Jan de Boer, Bruno Bueno, Bertrand Deroisy, Yuan Fang, David Geisler-Moroder, David Geisler-Moroder, Lars O Grobe, Jacob C Jonsson, Eleanor S Lee, Zhen Tian, Taoning Wang, Gregory J Ward, Helen Rose Wilson, and Yujie Wu."Analysis and evaluation of BSDF characterization of daylighting systems."
(2021). DOI
Wu, Yujie, Taoning Wang, Eleanor S Lee, Jérôme H Kämpf, and Jean-Louis Scartezzini."Split-pane electrochromic window control based on an embedded photometric device with real-time daylighting computing."Building and Environment
161 (2019) 106229. DOI