X Author: Stephen E Selkowitz
Johnson, Russell, Robert Sullivan, Shirley Nozaki, Stephen E Selkowitz, Craig Conner, and Dariush K Arasteh."Building Envelope Thermal and Daylighting Analysis in Support of Recommendations to Upgrade ASHRAE/IES Standard 90: Vol 1, Parametric Study, Analysis, and Results."
Karayel, Mahmut, Mojtaba Navvab, Eliyahu Neeman, and Stephen E Selkowitz."Zenith Luminance for Daylighting Calculations."Energy and Buildings
6 (1983) 283-291.
Selkowitz, Stephen E, Carl M Lampert, and Michael D Rubin."Advanced Optical and Thermal Technologies for Aperature Control."Passive and Hybrid Solar Energy Update
Lampert, Carl M, and Stephen E Selkowitz."Transparent Heat-Mirror Materials and Deposition Technology."International Society of Optical Engineering (SPIE) Conference on Optical Coatings for Energy Efficiency and Solar Applications and the Conference on Optical Thin Films
Klems, Joseph H, Stephen E Selkowitz, and Sy Horowitz."A Mobile Facility for Measuring Net Energy Performance of Windows and Skylights."3rd International CIB Symposium on Energy Conservation in the Built Environment
Johnson, Richard, Stephen E Selkowitz, Frederick C Winkelmann, and Michael Zentner."Glazing Optimization Study for Energy Efficiency in Commercial Office Buildings."3rd International CIB Symposium on Energy Conservation in the Built Environment
Selkowitz, Stephen E, and Frederick C Winkelmann."New Models for Analyzing the Thermal and Daylighting Performance of Fenestration."ASHRAE Transactions
88 (1982).
Selkowitz, Stephen E, Jong-Jin Kim, Mojtaba Navvab, and Frederick C Winkelmann."The DOE-2 and Superlite Daylighting Programs."Passive 82
Selkowitz, Stephen E."A Hemispherical Sky Simulator for Daylighting Model Studies."6th National Passive Solar Conference
Selkowitz, Stephen E."Daylighting as a Design and Energy Strategy."Energy and Big Building Design Symposium
Bryan, Harvey J, Robert D Clear, James Rosen, and Stephen E Selkowitz."Quicklite 1, A Daylighting Program for the TI-59 Calculator."
(1981) 27.
Selkowitz, Stephen E."Daylighting Design Overlays for Equidistant Sun-Path Projections."International Passive and Hybrid Cooling Conference
(1981) 338-341.
Selkowitz, Stephen E."Daylighting Research Activities in the Energy-Efficient Buildings Program."
Neeman, Eliyahu, and Stephen E Selkowitz."Efficient Daylighting in Thermally Controlled Environments."International Passive and Hybrid Cooling Conference
(1981) 670-681.
Selkowitz, Stephen E."Thermal Performance of Insulating Window Systems."ASHRAE Transactions
85.2 (1981).
Rubin, Michael D, and Stephen E Selkowitz."Thermal Performance of Windows Having High Solar Transmittance."6th International Passive and Solar Conference
(1981) 141-145.
Rubin, Michael D, Richard Creswick, and Stephen E Selkowitz."Transparent Heat Mirrors for Windows: Thermal Performance."5th National Passive Solar Conference
(1980) 990-994.
Selkowitz, Stephen E, Michael D Rubin, and Richard Creswick."Average Transmittance Factors for Multiple Glazed Window Systems."4th National Passive Solar Conference
(1979) 383-386.
Selkowitz, Stephen E."Daylighting and Passive Solar Buildings."3rd National Passive Solar Conference
(1979) 271-281.
Weidt, John L, Jenny Weidt, and Stephen E Selkowitz."Field Air Leakage of Newly Installed Residential Windows."ASHRAE Transactions
85.1 (1979) 149-159.
Selkowitz, Stephen E, and Vladimir Bazjanac."Thermal Performance of Managed Window Systems."ASHRAE Transactions
85 (1979).
Selkowitz, Stephen E."Transparent Heat Mirrors for Passive Solar Heating Applications."Passive Systems 78
(1979) 124-132.
Selkowitz, Stephen E."Effective Daylighting in Buildings."Lighting Design + Application
(1978) 6-8, 43-47.