X Author: Robert Sullivan
Sullivan, Robert, and Stephen E Selkowitz."Residential Heating and Cooling Energy Cost Implications Associated with Window Types."ASHRAE Transactions
93 (1987) 1525-1539.
Sullivan, Robert, Yu Joe Huang, James Bull, Isaac Turiel, Ronald L Ritschard, and Stephen E Selkowitz."Thermal Analysis of Buildings - Configuration Perturbations and Observed Climate Interface."ASHRAE Transactions
92 (1986).
Sullivan, Robert, and Stephen E Selkowitz."Residential Window Performance Analysis Using Regression Procedures."CLIMA 2000, World Conference on Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning
Sullivan, Robert, and Stephen E Selkowitz."Energy Performance Analysis of Fenestration in a Single-Family Residence."ASHRAE Transactions
91 (1985).
Arasteh, Dariush K, Russell Johnson, Stephen E Selkowitz, and Robert Sullivan."Energy Performance and Savings Potentials with Skylights."ASHRAE Transactions
91 (1985) 154-179.
Sullivan, Robert, and Stephen E Selkowitz."Window Performance Analysis in a Single-Family Residence."ASHRAE/DOE/BTECC Conference
Selkowitz, Stephen E, and Robert Sullivan."Analysis of Window Performance in a Single-Family Residence."9th National Passive Solar Conference
(1984) 63-68.
Arasteh, Dariush K, Russell Johnson, and Robert Sullivan."Skylight Energy Performance and Design Optimization."Windows in Building Design and Maintanence
Johnson, Russell, Stephen E Selkowitz, and Robert Sullivan."How Fenestration Can Significantly Affect Energy Use in Commercial Buildings."11th Energy Technology Conference
Johnson, Russell, Robert Sullivan, Stephen E Selkowitz, Shirley Nozaki, Craig Conner, and Dariush K Arasteh."Glazing Energy Performance and Design Optimization with Daylighting."Energy and Buildings
6.4 (1984) 305-317. DOI
Selkowitz, Stephen E, Russell Johnson, Robert Sullivan, and S Choi."Impact of Fenestration on Energy Use and Peak Loads in Daylighted Commercial Buildings."8th National Passive Solar Conference
(1983) 187-192.