A Python Library for Radiance Matrix-based Simulation Control and EnergyPlus Integration
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Date Published
Radiance matrix-based methods enable efficient
parametric simulations, allowing users to vary sky
conditions, fenestration systems, and other model
parameters at a minimal cost to computation. However,
the steep learning curve and complex workflow hinder
the widespread adoption of matrix-based methods. The
frads Python library with a series of command-line tools
was developed to automate the entire matrix-based
simulation process, lowering entry barriers and reducing
human error. Co-simulation between EnergyPlus and
Radiance was also enabled using the Python library from
IBPSA Building Simulation 2021
Year of Publication
Building Technology and Urban Systems Division, Building Technologies Department, Windows and Envelope Materials, Simulation Research
Research Areas
Building Technology and Urban Systems Division, BTUS Modeling and Simulation, BTUS Windows and Daylighting, Solar Control:Modeling Optically Complex Fenestration Systems, Daylighting Systems:Modeling Daylight, Solar Control:Non-Coplanar Shading, Measurements and Modeling, Windows and Daylighting