Daylighting Design for the Pacific Museum of Flight: Energy Impacts

Publication Type

Conference Paper



The daylighting performance of the Pacific Museum of Flight in Seattle, WA, has been analyzed using the DOE-2.1C building energy simulation program. The main exhibit areas of this museum are enclosed on three sides by glass walls and the 48,000-ft2 roof is completely glazed. Because of the large glass areas, a detailed thermal simulation of the building was carried out during its design phase in order to select glazing parameters that would avoid excessive summer solar heat gain, reduce winter heat loss and, at the same time, provide enough natural light to significantly reduce electric lighting loads. Glazing choices considered included conventional glass, heat mirror, and glass with a low-emissivity coating. On/off, stepped and continuous dimming lighting control systems were analyzed. Daylighting was found to be very effective in reducing annual electric lighting load, peak electrical demand, and the overall annual energy consumption.


1989 International Daylighting Conference Proceedings II

Year of Publication



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