Christoph Gehbauer

Christoph Gehbauer

Technology Researcher III


Christoph Gehbauer is a Principal Scientific Engineer in the Energy Storage and Distributed Resources Division, and the Building Technologies and Urban Systems Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He received his degree in Electrical Engineering from Technologisches Gewerbe Museum Wien in 2008, and his Bachelor and Master of Science degrees from Technikum Wien, in 2012 and 2014, where he focused on the electrical power system as a whole, considering mechanical and electrical engineering challenges, as well as the economic and environmental impact.

Currently his work focuses on advanced and predictive controls in the domain of distributed energy resources, electric vehicles, and smart buildings with dynamic facades. This also includes various tool developments, such as co-simulation platforms and Hardware-in-the-Loop testing.


2018 Director’s Award for Exceptional Achievement: Technology Transfer -  August 8th 2018

A Living Lab partnership with Goldman Sachs (GS) leveraged LBNL's world-class science to obtain an objective assessment of innovative daylighting and lighting energy efficiency technologies and promote lessons learned strategies throughout the worldwide GS organization and the broader buildings industry.