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Grant, Peter, and Christoph Gehbauer."Evaluating the Impacts of Weather Forecast Inaccuracy on Performance of Model Predictive Control for Dynamic Facades."2022 Building Performance Modeling Conference and SimBuild
Thomson, Gregory D, Robert G Davis, Luis L Fernandes, and Taoning Wang."Achieving Integrated Daylighting and Electric Lighting Systems: Current State of the Art and Needed Research."Energies
14.13 (2021) 3833. DOI
Inanici, Mehlika, and Jim Galvin."Evaluation of High Dynamic Range Photography as a Luminance Mapping Technique."
Osterhaus, Werner K.E, and Ian L Bailey."Large Area Glare Sources and Their Effect on Discomfort and Visual Performance at Computer Workstations."1992 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting
Rubinstein, Francis M, Rudolph R Verderber, and Gregory J Ward."Photoelectric Control of Daylight-Following Lighting Systems."
Rubinstein, Francis M."Photo-Electric Control of Equi-Illumination Lighting Systems."Energy and Buildings
6 (1983) 141-150.