Changing the Graph Background from Black to Gray

Changing the Graph Background from Black to Gray

Originally Posted: 

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Last Updated: 

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Software/Versions Affected:

  • Optics›6

In the Microsoft Windows 10 Operating System(TM), the background of the graph in Optics is black rather than gray, so it is impossible to read the X and Y axis labels. 

Here is how to fix this -- it involves editing the registry, which is something to do very carefully. Also you must be Administrator on your computer in order to do this.

  • In the Windows 10 "Search" option in the Task Bar, type "Regedit"

  • This should cause the Registry Editor to be displayed at the top of the popup.

  • Click on that option which will open the Registry Editor
    • Click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER
    • Then click on Control Panel
    • Then click on Colors
    • Scroll down to the InactiveTitleText option

  • Double click on InactiveTitleText and a dialog box will appear that allows you to change the values
    • The default is probably 0 0 0 
    • Change it to 128 128 128
    • Click the OK button

  • Close the Registry Editor (File/Exit)
  • Log out of your computer and log back in for this change to take affect. \
  • You should now see a gray background when you run Optics.