Chilean Location Statistics

Chilean Location Statistics

Last Updated: 

Friday, September 15, 2017

Software/Versions Affected:

  • RESFEN›5
  • RESFEN›6


Download a zip file with the binary Chilean weather files. See the information below about the location of the weather data. When you have the weather data in the correct place, you can open a RESFEN database and make new locations that reference this weather data in the Location Library.

The location of the Chilean weather data will depend on your computer's operating system.


Weather File Location: C:\Program Files\LBNL\RESFEN5\Weather-Chile

Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Vista:

Weather File Location: C:\Users\Public\LBNL\RESFEN5\Weather-China


Download a zip file with the binary Chilean weather files. In the RESFEN6 directory (for Windows 7 it would be C:\Users\Public\LBNL\RESFEN6\ and for Windows XP it would be C:\Program Files\LBNL\RESFEN6), make a subdirectory called Weather-Chile, and unzip this file into that directory.

  • CHL_Antofagasta.bin
  • CHL_Punta_Arenas.bin
  • CHL_Easter_Island.bin
  • CHL_Concepcion.bin
  • CHL_Santiago.bin

Related Files: 

Package icon Chilean weather files