Registration is open for the 4th International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Islands

Registration is now open for the Fourth International Conference on Countermeasure to Urban Heat Island (4th IC2UHI) 2016
Singapore on 30-31 May and 1 June 2016.
The theme of the conference: Countering Urban Heat Island (UHI) and Climate Change through Mitigation and Adaptation.
The conference will be hosted by the Department of Building, National University of Singapore. The venue of the conference will be in: Stephen Riady Centre, University Town, NUS.
The Fourth International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Islands, (4th IC2UHI), will be devoted to the science, engineering and public policies to help relieve the excess heat and air pollution of Summers in hot cities. It has long been recognized that the excessive heat and smog in many cities in the summer, the “Urban Heat Island” is partly due to the choices of building materials, vegetation and urban design. Scientists, engineers, builders, architects, and government officials, especially, but not limited to Asia Pacific countries, concerned with improving the urban environment are urged to participate in 4th IC2UHI which promises to advance the field.
Note: Early bird, Standard and Student Rates inclusive of Networking Dinner and prevailing taxes.
Group discount is available for registration.
Up to ten SGD 500 of Student Awards are available for students from Developing Countries with high quality papers.
All participants are encouraged to register online.