Japanese Location Statistics

Japanese Location Statistics

Last Updated: 

Friday, September 15, 2017

Software/Versions Affected:

  • RESFEN›5
  • RESFEN›6

Download a zip file with the binary Japanese weather files, Japan-Weather.zip. These weather files were made from EnergyPlus EPW files using the eQ_WthProc conversion program, found on the DOE2.com website.


The location of the Japanese weather data will depend on your computer's operating system.


Weather File Location: C:\Program Files\LBNL\RESFEN5\Weather-Japan

Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Vista:

Weather File Location: C:\Users\Public\LBNL\RESFEN5\Weather-Japan

When you have the weather data in the correct place, you can open a RESFEN database and make new locations that reference this weather data in the Location Library.


In the RESFEN6 directory (for Windows 7 it would be C:\Users\Public\LBNL\RESFEN6\ and for Windows XP it would be C:\Program Files\LBNL\RESFEN6), make a subdirectory called Weather-Japan, and unzip this file into that directory. This weather data is not included in the Installation, but can be added to the program through the Location Library.

Here is a list of the cities in this zip file:

  • JPN_Kagoshima.478270_IWEC.BIN
  • JPN_Matsumoto.476180_IWEC.BIN
  • JPN_Miho.Civ.JASDF.477430_IWEC.BIN
  • JPN_Nagoya.476350_IWEC.BIN
  • JPN_Osaka.477710_IWEC.BIN
  • JPN_Sapporo.474120_IWEC.BIN
  • JPN_Shimonoseki.477620_IWEC.BIN
  • JPN_Tokyo.Hyakuri.477150_IWEC.BIN
  • JPN_Tosashimizu.478980_IWEC.BIN


Related Links: 

eQ_WthProc conversion program