Export Database Has Wrong Window Types

Export Database Has Wrong Window Types

Last Updated: 

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Software/Versions Affected:

  • WINDOW›6

In the Release Installation of Berkeley Lab WINDOW 6.3.9 (before 12/15/2011) the window types list (in the Window Library) in Export Databases will be an older version of the NFRC window types. Berkeley Lab WINDOW uses the file "W6BlankDB.mdb" as the basis for exported databases, so this file has the old window types in it. In order to fix this problem, download this zip file, which contains a fixed W6BlankDB.mdb file with the correct window types in it. Overwrite your old version of this file with this corrected version. Where W6BlankDB.mdb will be found will be based on your operating system:

For XP:

C:\Program Files\LBNL\WINDOW 6


C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\LBNL\WINDOW6

For Windows 7 or Vista:



C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\LBNL\<program name>

Related Files: 

Package icon W6BlankDB.mdb file

Related Articles: 

Microsoft Vista and Windows 7 Operating System Issues