Detailed Output for THERM

Detailed Output for THERM

Software/Versions Affected:

  • THERM›6
  • THERM›7

There are a few files that are produced either by THERM or WINDOW that have much more detailed THERM results than the normal report. The two most interesting are the following:

  • Profile.csv: a file produced by WINDOW when a THERM file is imported into the Frame Library, that contains temperatures at each point on the surface of the THERM file.
  • <THERMFilename>.o: a file produced by THERM that contains detailed information about temperatures, boundary conditions, etc.

Below is a detailed description of each.


The profile.csv file is created in WINDOW when a THERM file is imported into the Frame or Divider Library if the "Debug Output" checkbox in File/Preferences is checked. In order for WINDOW to create this file, you need to use the file in a Window (in the Window Library) and calculate it. Then the "profile.csv" file is written in the "debug subdirectory where the WINDOW database is located. 

Looking in the Debug subdirectory, you will see the "profile.csv" file

The file contains coordinates (relative to the THERM file origin, the blue cross mark in the file) and temperatures for every point on the surface of the THERM file. If the THERM file is created with the Condensation Resistance (CR) calculation turned on, the CR results are reported in the profile.csv file, and will be more accurate temperature results than the results from the U-factor calculation. In order to see the temperature at a specific point, add that point to the boundary of the THERM file, re-simulate it, re-import it into WINDOW, and look again at the profile.csv file — the new point will be listed in the file.

View the Node IDs in the THERM file to see the point locations.

In the Calculation menu, select Display Options

Then when the Results Display Options dialog box appears, select

  • Finite Element Mesh
  • Show Node IDs

NOTE: If you have calculated the file with the Condensation Resistance calculation on, first switch the THERM file view to the CR results (Calculation / Display Options, click on "Show CR simulation results"). Otherwise, keep the default choice of "Show U-factor simulation results)

Then the THERM file will show the finite element mesh and the node IDs (where the mesh elements intersect with each other is a node).

You can select "Temperature at Cursor" in the View menu

Then put your cursor on one of the node number (such as the corner where the glass and frame meet), and compare the value displayed (in SI units) with the value for that node number in the profile.csv file, and they should be the same.


The <THERMFilename>.o file contains detailed information about nodes and elements which can be used for detailed analysis of a THERM file.

To create this file, go to Options / Preferences / Simulation tab, and check the "Save Conrad results file (.O)". When the simulation is completed, the file will be created in the same directory as the THERM file, with the name of the THERM file, and the extension ".o".

Node Temperatures

To see the temperatures at each node in the <THERMFilename>.o file, go to the "solutions" section. This will show a list of all the mesh nodes, and their corresponding temperatures. 

NOTE: If you have calculated the CR value in the THERM file, make sure to switch the Calc/Results Display Options to show the mesh nodes for the CR results -- see the discussion above.

You can verify the temperatures in the <THERMFilename>.o file by looking at the mesh node temperatures in the "Finite Element Mesh" view of the THERM file with "View Temperature at Cursor" checked (accessed from the Draw menu), as shown in the screenshot below.

The file is relatively self-explanatory, but if there are questions, email [email protected]. Below is a sample of the file:

*** c o n t r o l d a t a ***

control card 1
number of materials = 10
number of nodes = 681
number of elements = 696
type of geometry = 2
eq.1: axisymmetric
eq.2: plane
bandwidth minimization = 1
eq.0: no minimization
eq.1: minimization
eq.2: minimization - nodal destination
equation solver for [A]{x}={b} = 0
eq.0: fissle direct solver
eq.1: actcol direct solver
eq.2: nonsymmetric solver
number of loading curves = 0
maximum points defining any curve = 0
number of slide lines = 0
total number of slave nodes = 0
total number of master nodes = 0
equation solver for [A]{x}={b} = 0
eq.0: fissle direct solver
eq.1: actcol direct solver
eq.2: nonsymmetric solver
memory assigned to stiffness matrix (Mwords) = 0

control card 2
number of elements with internal heat generation = 0
number of nodes with temperature ic = 0
number of nodes with temperature bc = 1
number of flux bc segments = 0
number of convection bc segments = 165
number of radiation bc segments = 73
number of enclosure radiation segments = 70
number of emissivity vs wavelength curves = 1
radition calculation type = 4
eq.1: view factors
number of fluid flow elements = 0


*** n o d a l d a t a ***

node number x1-coordinate x2-coordinate temperature

1 -5.39749E-02 3.77534E-01 0.00000E+00
2 -4.79749E-02 3.77534E-01 0.00000E+00
3 -5.39749E-02 3.68095E-01 0.00000E+00
4 -3.84466E-02 3.77534E-01 0.00000E+00
5 -4.79749E-02 3.68095E-01 0.00000E+00
6 -5.39749E-02 3.53938E-01 0.00000E+00
7 -3.49749E-02 3.77534E-01 0.00000E+00
8 -3.84466E-02 3.68095E-01 0.00000E+00
9 -4.79749E-02 3.53938E-01 0.00000E+00


672 6.06559E-02 -3.68095E-01 0.00000E+00
673 4.64984E-02 -3.77534E-01 0.00000E+00
674 7.62000E-02 -3.53938E-01 0.00000E+00
675 7.30249E-02 -3.68095E-01 0.00000E+00
676 6.06559E-02 -3.77534E-01 0.00000E+00
677 7.62000E-02 -3.68095E-01 0.00000E+00
678 7.30249E-02 -3.77534E-01 0.00000E+00
679 7.62000E-02 -3.77534E-01 0.00000E+00
680 4.02400E-01 -8.47863E-01 0.00000E+00
681 2.97225E-01 -9.27956E-02 0.00000E+00


*** e l e m e n t d a t a ***

elem. no. i j k l matl. no. matl. angle volume

1 5 2 1 3 7 0.0000E+00 5.6630E-05
2 9 5 3 6 7 0.0000E+00 8.4945E-05
3 8 4 2 5 8 0.0000E+00 8.9931E-05
4 14 9 6 10 7 0.0000E+00 8.4945E-05
5 13 8 5 9 8 0.0000E+00 1.3490E-04
6 8 12 7 4 8 0.0000E+00 3.2767E-05
7 16 11 7 12 9 0.0000E+00 5.6630E-05
8 19 14 10 15 7 0.0000E+00 8.4945E-05
9 18 13 9 14 8 0.0000E+00 1.3490E-04
10 17 12 8 13 8 0.0000E+00 4.9151E-05
11 21 16 12 17 9 0.0000E+00 8.4945E-05


692 672 675 671 667 6 0.0000E+00 2.0358E-04
693 663 667 666 662 1 0.0000E+00 4.4667E-05
694 677 674 671 675 1 0.0000E+00 4.7469E-05
695 671 670 666 667 1 0.0000E+00 4.5349E-05
696 670 671 674 674 1 0.0000E+00 7.6085E-06


*** t e m p e r a t u r e b o u nd a r y c o n d i t i o n s ***

node no. curve no. x0 y0 multiplier label

680 0 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.100E+01 143
681 0 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.100E+01 143


*** c o n v e c t i o n b o u n d ar y c o n d i t i o n ***

surf n1 n2 curv x0 y0 h curv t1 t2 label

1 221 223 0 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.600E+01 0 -1.800E+01 -1.800E+01 1
2 254 283 0 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.600E+01 0 -1.800E+01 -1.800E+01 1
3 315 345 0 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.600E+01 0 -1.800E+01 -1.800E+01 1
4 345 373 0 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.600E+01 0 -1.800E+01 -1.800E+01 2


161 330 304 0 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.600E+01 0 -1.800E+01 -1.800E+01 65
162 408 382 0 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.600E+01 0 -1.800E+01 -1.800E+01 135
163 382 386 0 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.600E+01 0 -1.800E+01 -1.800E+01 135
164 380 381 0 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.600E+01 0 -1.800E+01 -1.800E+01 135
165 381 408 0 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.600E+01 0 -1.800E+01 -1.800E+01 135


*** r a d i a t i o n b o u n d ar y c o n d i t i o n ***

surf n1 n2 f-curv f curv t1 t2 t-curv

1 221 223 0 1.134E-08 0 -1.800E+01 -1.800E+01 0
2 254 283 0 1.134E-08 0 -1.800E+01 -1.800E+01 0
3 315 345 0 1.134E-08 0 -1.800E+01 -1.800E+01 0
4 345 373 0 1.134E-08 0 -1.800E+01 -1.800E+01 0
5 373 401 0 1.134E-08 0 -1.800E+01 -1.800E+01 0
6 401 426 0 1.134E-08 0 -1.800E+01 -1.800E+01 0
7 426 446 0 1.134E-08 0 -1.800E+01 -1.800E+01 0
8 283 285 0 1.134E-08 0 -1.800E+01 -1.800E+01 0
9 285 315 0 1.134E-08 0 -1.800E+01 -1.800E+01 0


65 385 358 0 5.103E-08 0 -1.800E+01 -1.800E+01 0
66 358 330 0 5.103E-08 0 -1.800E+01 -1.800E+01 0
67 386 385 0 4.763E-08 0 -1.800E+01 -1.800E+01 0
68 304 271 0 5.103E-08 0 -1.800E+01 -1.800E+01 0
69 330 304 0 5.103E-08 0 -1.800E+01 -1.800E+01 0
70 408 382 0 4.763E-08 0 -1.800E+01 -1.800E+01 0
71 382 386 0 4.763E-08 0 -1.800E+01 -1.800E+01 0
72 380 381 0 4.763E-08 0 -1.800E+01 -1.800E+01 0
73 381 408 0 4.763E-08 0 -1.800E+01 -1.800E+01 0


*** e n c l o s u r e r a d i a t i o n d a t a ***

segment node i node j cond. code emissivity hole temp

1 670 666 0 2.000E-01 0.000E+00
2 666 662 0 2.000E-01 0.000E+00
3 662 658 0 2.000E-01 0.000E+00
4 658 654 0 2.000E-01 0.000E+00
5 654 648 0 2.000E-01 0.000E+00
6 648 639 0 2.000E-01 0.000E+00
7 639 623 0 2.000E-01 0.000E+00
8 623 611 0 2.000E-01 0.000E+00
9 611 596 0 2.000E-01 0.000E+00


65 36 31 0 8.400E-01 0.000E+00
66 31 26 0 8.400E-01 0.000E+00
67 26 21 0 8.400E-01 0.000E+00
68 21 16 0 8.400E-01 0.000E+00
69 16 11 0 8.400E-01 0.000E+00
70 680 681 1 1.000E+00 2.100E+01
warning --- mesh is disjoint at these nodes
680 681


*** s o l u t i o n ***

relax = 1.0000E+00
number of tries = 1
achieved convergence = 5.4168E-07
solution converged

minimum temperature = -1.4523E+01 at node 290
maximum temperature = 2.1000E+01 at node 681

node temperature x-flux y-flux

1 -1.442683E+01 -1.044500E+02 -8.122728E-04
2 -1.380013E+01 -1.044504E+02 -5.189647E-04
3 -1.442684E+01 -1.044498E+02 -1.764208E-03
4 7.857767E-01 -1.044510E+02 -3.666068E-04
5 -1.380014E+01 -1.044502E+02 -1.124434E-03
6 -1.442688E+01 -1.044486E+02 -3.663613E-03
7 6.100356E+00 -1.044540E+02 -3.890042E-03
8 7.857260E-01 -1.044507E+02 -7.637632E-04
9 -1.380019E+01 -1.044488E+02 -2.325547E-03
10 -1.442694E+01 -1.044465E+02 -5.325836E-03


676 6.831457E+00 -2.652470E+00 3.592016E-02
677 6.918914E+00 -2.322417E-01 2.040139E+02
678 6.923586E+00 -2.472508E+01 3.972313E+01
679 6.924513E+00 -4.675728E+01 9.491801E+01
680 2.100000E+01 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
681 2.100000E+01 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00

Boundary Element Edge Data: nseg= 165 type=conv

seg # area flux heat rate

1 1.7697E-03 1.3445E+02 2.3793E-01
2 2.9863E-03 1.3252E+02 3.9575E-01
3 2.3596E-03 1.2703E+02 2.9974E-01
4 4.7934E-03 1.2614E+02 6.0464E-01
5 7.0788E-03 1.2434E+02 8.8014E-01
6 7.0788E-03 1.2251E+02 8.6721E-01
7 9.4383E-03 1.2146E+02 1.1464E+00
8 1.2699E-03 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
9 2.2262E-03 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
10 3.5394E-03 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00


161 1.9619E-04 1.5326E+02 3.0068E-02
162 3.7954E-03 1.4291E+02 5.4240E-01
163 2.8217E-03 1.5781E+02 4.4529E-01
164 7.0788E-03 1.0990E+02 7.7793E-01
165 7.0788E-03 1.2536E+02 8.8736E-01

Boundary Polygon Edge Data: type=conv

seg # area flux heat rate

1 1.8510E-02 1.3093E+02 2.4236E+00
2 2.8389E-02 1.2323E+02 3.4984E+00
3 1.2699E-03 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
22 1.6916E-02 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
34 1.0160E-01 -4.7553E+01 -4.8314E+00
53 3.1751E-03 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
54 2.8389E-02 -4.6361E+01 -1.3161E+00
55 1.5361E-03 -4.9863E+01 -7.6593E-02


135 7.2565E-01 9.3775E+01 6.8048E+01
139 6.3500E-02 -4.4452E+01 -2.8227E+00
140 6.6231E-01 -4.0670E+01 -2.6936E+01
141 6.0000E-03 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
68 5.3970E-04 1.3026E+02 7.0303E-02
67 1.1256E-03 1.2961E+02 1.4589E-01
64 9.2951E-04 1.6410E+02 1.5253E-01
66 1.1256E-03 1.4227E+02 1.6013E-01
65 1.9619E-04 1.5326E+02 3.0068E-02

Boundary Element Edge Data: nseg= 73 type= rad

seg # area flux heat rate

1 1.7697E-03 4.0162E+00 7.1075E-03
2 2.9863E-03 3.9569E+00 1.1817E-02
3 2.3596E-03 3.7883E+00 8.9389E-03
4 4.7934E-03 3.7610E+00 1.8028E-02
5 7.0788E-03 3.7057E+00 2.6232E-02
6 7.0788E-03 3.6498E+00 2.5836E-02
7 9.4383E-03 3.6177E+00 3.4145E-02
8 4.2041E-03 3.8923E+00 1.6363E-02
9 3.7596E-03 3.8253E+00 1.4382E-02
10 9.4383E-03 1.1547E+01 1.0899E-01


66 3.3290E-04 2.1338E+01 7.1033E-03
67 1.7170E-03 2.1468E+01 3.6861E-02
68 1.1256E-03 1.9158E+01 2.1564E-02
69 1.9619E-04 2.0690E+01 4.0590E-03
70 3.7954E-03 1.7965E+01 6.8182E-02
71 2.8217E-03 1.9904E+01 5.6163E-02
72 7.0788E-03 1.3712E+01 9.7064E-02
73 7.0788E-03 1.5696E+01 1.1111E-01

Boundary Polygon Edge Data: type= rad

seg # area flux heat rate

1 1.8510E-02 3.9082E+00 7.2342E-02
2 2.8389E-02 3.6718E+00 1.0424E-01
135 7.2565E-01 1.1660E+01 8.4607E+00
68 5.3970E-04 1.7494E+01 9.4416E-03
67 1.1256E-03 1.7404E+01 1.9589E-02
64 9.2951E-04 2.2207E+01 2.0642E-02
66 1.1256E-03 1.9158E+01 2.1564E-02
65 1.9619E-04 2.0690E+01 4.0590E-03

Boundary Element Edge Data: nseg= 70 type=erad

seg # area flux heat rate

1 1.4817E-02 -9.3552E+00 -1.3862E-01
2 1.4884E-02 -9.2557E+00 -1.3776E-01
3 1.4158E-02 -9.1727E+00 -1.2986E-01
4 1.4158E-02 -9.0963E+00 -1.2878E-01
5 1.4158E-02 -9.0134E+00 -1.2761E-01
6 1.4158E-02 -8.9014E+00 -1.2602E-01
7 7.0787E-03 -8.7632E+00 -6.2032E-02
8 3.7549E-03 -8.6336E+00 -3.2418E-02
9 2.3234E-03 -8.5072E+00 -1.9766E-02
10 2.1113E-03 -8.4074E+00 -1.7751E-02


63 1.4158E-02 -6.4069E+01 -9.0706E-01
64 1.4158E-02 -6.4075E+01 -9.0714E-01
65 1.4158E-02 -6.4080E+01 -9.0722E-01
66 1.4158E-02 -6.4086E+01 -9.0730E-01
67 1.4158E-02 -6.4091E+01 -9.0737E-01
68 1.4158E-02 -6.4097E+01 -9.0745E-01
69 9.4383E-03 -6.4102E+01 -6.0501E-01
70 7.6262E-01 6.1817E+01 4.7142E+01

Boundary Polygon Edge Data: type=erad

seg # area flux heat rate

34 1.0160E-01 -9.0613E+00 -9.2062E-01
54 2.8389E-02 -1.5124E+01 -4.2934E-01
55 1.5361E-03 -4.3342E+01 -6.6576E-02
56 1.5360E-03 -5.3175E+01 -8.1675E-02
57 6.5390E-04 -4.3275E+01 -2.8297E-02
139 6.3500E-02 -5.6903E+01 -3.6134E+00
140 6.6231E-01 -6.3418E+01 -4.2003E+01
143 7.6262E-01 6.1817E+01 4.7142E+01

temperature contour data

node x y temperature

221 -5.791322E-02 -3.491444E-01 -1.282689E+01
223 -5.968290E-02 -3.491444E-01 -1.283101E+01
254 -6.289047E-02 -3.491444E-01 -1.286866E+01
283 -6.587680E-02 -3.491444E-01 -1.293756E+01
315 -7.384041E-02 -3.491443E-01 -1.310520E+01
345 -7.620000E-02 -3.491443E-01 -1.312322E+01
373 -7.620000E-02 -3.539377E-01 -1.317384E+01


386 -5.397490E-02 -3.463973E-01 -1.165354E+01
304 -5.496300E-02 -3.486536E-01 -1.217910E+01
408 -5.397490E-02 -3.397802E-01 -1.279973E+01
382 -5.397490E-02 -3.435756E-01 -1.220714E+01
381 -5.397490E-02 -3.327015E-01 -1.355757E+01

****** Frame cavities *****

Cavity model = NFRC
Frame Cavity ID = 3 Polygon ID = 34
Side 1 Temperature = 7.0000E+00
Side 2 Temperature = -4.0000E+00
Side 1 Emissivity = 9.0000E-01
Side 2 Emissivity = 9.0000E-01
X-Dimension= 3.5967E+01
Y-Dimension= 9.9639E+00
Heat Flow (screen) = HORIZONTAL RIGHT
Heat Flow (gravity) = HORIZONTAL
Nusselt Number = 1.2465E+00
Effective Conductivity = 9.8845E-02

Cavity model = NFRC
Frame Cavity ID = 5 Polygon ID = 39
Side 1 Temperature = 7.0000E+00
Side 2 Temperature = -4.0000E+00
Side 1 Emissivity = 9.0000E-01
Side 2 Emissivity = 9.0000E-01
X-Dimension= 1.4605E+01
Y-Dimension= 2.7119E+01
Heat Flow (screen) = HORIZONTAL RIGHT
Heat Flow (gravity) = HORIZONTAL
Nusselt Number = 1.2608E+00
Effective Conductivity = 8.1111E-02

Cavity model = NFRC
Frame Cavity ID = 6 Polygon ID = 3
Side 1 Temperature = 7.0000E+00
Side 2 Temperature = -4.0000E+00
Side 1 Emissivity = 9.0000E-01
Side 2 Emissivity = 9.0000E-01
X-Dimension= 1.0740E+02
Y-Dimension= 2.5214E+01
Heat Flow (screen) = HORIZONTAL RIGHT
Heat Flow (gravity) = HORIZONTAL
Nusselt Number = 7.4712E+00
Effective Conductivity = 3.6154E-01