Check Gravity Vector on Condensation Resistance Files Before Simulating

Check Gravity Vector on Condensation Resistance Files Before Simulating

Software/Versions Affected:

  • THERM›6
  • THERM›7

Use the View/Gravity Arrow feature to make sure that the gravity vector is pointing in the correct direction in files that are to be used to calculate the Condensation Resistance values. The gravity vectors should be the following:

Cross Section Type
File/Preferences Setting
File Orientation Gravity Vector Orientation
Sill glazing system pointing up pointing down
Head glazing system pointing down pointing down
Head glazing system pointing up pointing up
Jamb glazing system pointing up pointing into the screen, ie, you will see what looks like an X
Meeting Rail (vertical)
such as for a horizontal slider
glazing systems pointing up and down pointing into the screen, ie, you will see what looks like an X
Meeting Rail (horizontal)
such as for a vertical slider
glazing systems pointing up and down pointing down
Divider (vertical) glazing systems pointing up and down pointing into the screen, ie, you will see what looks like an X
Divider (horizontal) glazing systems pointing up and down pointing down

An indication that something may be wrong in the Condensation Resistance (CR) calculation is if the gravity vector is not set according to the table above. Also check the temperatures and "sides" of the CR boundary conditions inside the glazing system cavity (by double clicking on them) to make sure that "Left" is really the left side of the cavity and "Right" is the right side of the cavity, and that the temperature settings make sense. If either or both the sides or the temperatures are wrong, delete the glazing system, check to make sure the File/Properties Cross Section Type is set correctly, realign the gravity vector, and re-import the glazing system.