Berkeley Lab WINDOW Does Not Start Optics6

Berkeley Lab WINDOW Does Not Start Optics6

Last Updated: 

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Software/Versions Affected:

  • WINDOW›7

The Tools/Optics menu choice allows you to start Optics from within Berkeley Lab WINDOW. However, by default, Berkeley Lab WINDOW looks for Optics5, and does not allow you to select the Optics6.exe file, even if you browse to it. Until this behavior is more forgiving, here is how you can set the version of Optics to open from within Berkeley Lab WINDOW.

The W7.2.ini file contains a line which specifies the Optics program path. To set it to look for the Optics6 file, do the following:

Edit the W7.2.ini file using a text editor such as Notepad

which can be found in


And add this line (anywhere in the file), making sure that you specify the full path where the Optics6.exe file is found. In my case, I am running the Microsoft Windows 62-bit OS, so for me, it is found in Program Files (x86). For you, it might just be in Program Files.

OpticsPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\LBNL\Optics6\Optics6.exe