X Author: Frederick C Winkelmann
Sullivan, Robert, and Frederick C Winkelmann."Validation studies of the DOE-2 Building Energy Simulation Program. Final Report."
Reilly, M. M Susan, Frederick C Winkelmann, Dariush K Arasteh, and William L Carroll."Modeling Windows in DOE 2.1E."Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Buildings V Conference
Reilly, M. M Susan, Stephen E Selkowitz, and Frederick C Winkelmann."Optical Properties Database for High Performance Glazings."
Reilly, M. M Susan, Stephen E Selkowitz, and Frederick C Winkelmann."Switchable Window Modeling."
Bazjanac, Vladimir, and Frederick C Winkelmann."Daylighting Design for the Pacific Museum of Flight: Energy Impacts."1989 International Daylighting Conference Proceedings II
(1988) 277.
Papamichael, Konstantinos M, and Frederick C Winkelmann."Solar-Optical Properties of Multilayer Fenestration Systems."International Daylighting Conference Technical Proceedings
Winkelmann, Frederick C, and Metin Lokmanhekim."Sun Control and Daylighting Options in a High-Rise Office Building."Energy and Buildings
8.1 (1985) 1-13. DOI
Winkelmann, Frederick C, and Stephen E Selkowitz."Daylighting Simulation in the DOE-2 Building Energy Analysis Program."Energy and Buildings
8 (1985) 271-286.
Johnson, Richard, Stephen E Selkowitz, Frederick C Winkelmann, and Michael Zentner."Glazing Optimization Study for Energy Efficiency in Commercial Office Buildings."3rd International CIB Symposium on Energy Conservation in the Built Environment
Selkowitz, Stephen E, and Frederick C Winkelmann."New Models for Analyzing the Thermal and Daylighting Performance of Fenestration."ASHRAE Transactions
88 (1982).
Selkowitz, Stephen E, Jong-Jin Kim, Mojtaba Navvab, and Frederick C Winkelmann."The DOE-2 and Superlite Daylighting Programs."Passive 82